Cosmetic Acupuncture

There is a growing trend away from cosmetic injectables and anti-wrinkle treatment into regenerative medicine and wellness -so why not try Cosmetic Acupuncture!

Cosmetic Acupuncture (also known as Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture) originates from Chinese medicine. Dr Margie Virgo is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist. Margie completed postgraduate training in cosmetic acupuncture in Sandiego, California in 1998 following graduating from The Canadian College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine in 1997 and has been applying it in her practice since.

How does it work?

By inserting needles subcutaneously under wrinkles (repeated expression lines) the acupuncture needle ‘lifts the wrinkle’ and by doing so stimulates blood flow to the area. The positive microtrauma of the needle itself encourages the healing properties of the blood to have a localised healing effect and stimulates collagen production.

Needling stimulates fibroblasts, which produce collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), resulting in firmness, tightness and plumpness in the skin.

In a treatment we also address muscle tone. Acupuncture can trigger muscles to ‘re-engage’ increasing muscle tone for weak or underused muscles which can have an uplifting effect of the face. Acupuncture can also help muscles to ‘disengage’ the muscles, relaxing them (for overworking facial muscles), this can have a ‘softening effect ’of the  wrinkles.

What happens in a session?

We evaluate your skin concerns and assess your internal health as your skin is an outward manifestation of your internal health. Tongue and pulse diagnosis is still done as per a normal session, and lifestyle, diet and supplements may be recommended to assist in long term results. Treatment is followed up by a facial massage and Jade rollers that have a skin cooling effect post treatment

How many treatments are required?

The global recommendation and most effective course of treatment is 10 weekly sessions. Maintenance will depend on the individual with some requiring a ‘tune up’ every 4-6 weeks or a ‘mini course’ repeated annually of 5-6 sessions.

How long until I notice a difference?

Usually after about 3 sessions, however an improvement in the overall complexion can be seen sooner. 

Remember, each treatment works from the treatment before. Like regular acupuncture treatment, it works in the ‘sense of accumulation’, so it is very important to be consistent with your treatment and to try not to miss weeks.

What can you do between sessions?

  • Practice not overworking those lines! Relax your face. Choose to reduce your stress!

  • Good skin care! Organic or nonchemical preferable. Use face masks and scrubs weekly. Wake your skin up first thing in the morning with a warm water cloth compress.

  • Always apply and wash in an ‘upwards motion’.

  • Keep up your nutrition and water intake! Remember, your skin is an outward manifestation of what is happening inside your body. Good health means good skin!

To book in for Cosmetic Acupuncture, do so here or call the clinic on 61932354.