Lauren Bowman

Senior Osteopath and OWNER

Lauren, Osteopath, looking at the camera with a big smile. She has blonde hair and is wearing a blue shirt with a collar

Lauren is the director of Fundamental Health, an Osteopath that has a passion for helping her patients overcome their pain. Lauren completed her studies in Osteopathy from RMIT, graduating with a triple degree. She has returned to Canberra where she was born and raised, to open up our clinic. She is passionate about the caring team of interdisciplinary practitioners we have here at F.H, to improve the health of you and your family.

Lauren uses a gentle, evidence-based approach to help you.

Her interest area’s include women’s health, gut health, and chronic pelvic pain conditions.


Period pain
Pre- and post-natal periods
Post-surgery including hernia repair and organ removal
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Visceral (organ) manipulation

Lauren’s philosophy is to treat each patient as a unique individual. Her treatments are guided by experience, and there is a focus on education and rehabilitation.

Lauren is also a DMA Clinical Pilates instructor. You can book one-on-one appointments, or be on the waitlist for her classes.

While her focus remains on women’s health care, Lauren is still happy to treat the rest of the family, infants included.

Questions? Leave a message below and Lauren will be in touch shortly.