New Year...New You?

Welcome 2021, we’ve been waiting for you!

I’m a planner. You’ll find lists and plans scattered throughout my home and work space. They might rarely get finished, but I love the thinking and intention behind writing the plans; and sometimes writing plans for plans :D

New Years is especially exciting for us planners; we thrive on getting stuck into the new goals the New Year inspires us to dream about once more.

I’ve often felt like there’s a bit of a stigma when it comes to New Years resolutions. I’ve heard more people than I can remember laugh or say some comment about all that ‘New Year, New Me B.S’ :0 This year I get the feeling that we’re all collectively thinking a little differently. It’s like 2020 has shifted our belief systems. We’re starting to realize that our mental and physical health are really important and should be a priority; our families and relationships are dear as so many of us were isolated last year; and time is valuable, it’s precious and short, so let’s make the most of it.

We all want a different experience to last year. So suddenly, setting New Years Resolutions isn’t so taboo and laughed at. Us planners had it right the whole time!

80% of New Years Resolutions are not achieved. Here are 3 simple tips to keep you in the 20%. You’ve probably heard them before, but they have been helpful to myself when I’m planning for the future.

1.       Short time frames – breaking down your goals into shorter time frames will help to keep you inspired and motivated. We don’t know what the world is going to look like in 5 years’ time, so by scaling your goals back to month to month, or even week to week, you’ll stay motivated and inspired as you see the small wins.  

2.       Be Realistic – This goes hand in hand with breaking your goals down into shorter time frames. A good example might be a resolution of going vegetarian. That’s a BIG, sudden change; so how about trying to cut out red meat during weekdays to begin with. Break the big goal down into smaller, achievable goals. Lists these goals and tick them off weekly or monthly to keep you accountable.

3.       Take the Pressure off – Remember all those lists I have floating around my house? Yep, they’re still there; and that’s okay. It doesn’t matter if we miss a deadline, or if we change our mind and move in another direction. Life will go on. And life can still be darn good even without our resolutions falling into place. Don’t add to the burden with your own expectations. Take one day at a time.  

Happy New Year. I wish you all the best in your goal setting!

Lauren x