Rea Braun


Rea has brown wavy shoulder length hair, and is looking at the camera with a smile

Rea completed her studies in osteopathy at RMIT University graduating with a double degree with distinction. She returned to Canberra after her five years studying in Melbourne as this is where she grew up.

 Rea has a particular interest in pelvic, pregnancy and postnatal care. She intends to do further study with the Osteopathic Pelvic Health Institute of Australia and is currently undertaking a Masters of Women’s Health Medicine starting 2023.

Rea’s treatment approach is holistic, patient-centred, non-weight centric and inclusive approach to healthcare. She aims to help patients on their path to recovery through tailored hands-on treatment, encouraging health promoting behaviours, patient education and open collaborative communication. 

She is passionate about being a Health At Every Size (HAES) and anti-diet clinician, offering a safe space for all people to prioritise and improve their health outside of a diet culture focus. Her priority is creating a safe and equitable environment for all patients to aid positive outcomes and bridging gaps in healthcare. 

Rea uses a range of osteopathic techniques including soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation and manipulation, counterstrain (gentle form of manual therapy), visceral (organ) manipulation and more! Rea has completed further training in dry needling.

Outside of work you will find Rea reading non-fiction literature, listening to podcasts, planning her next overseas trip, sipping on wine and enjoying delicious food platters.