Osteopathy During and After Breast Cancer

Osteopathy is a safe and effective form of manual therapy which takes a whole person approach to care to aid in reducing pain and improving overall health. So why leave breast care out of the equation? One of our osteopaths, Rea, has undergone further training in how to care for patients during and after breast cancer.

What does a new patient appointment for breast cancer care entail?

  1. Medical history – a discussion regarding your case with specific questioning around your breast cancer and any interventions which have occurred

  2. Informed consent – Rea will discuss what is going to happen in the session to ensure your full understanding and comfort

  3. Physical assessment – assessing upper body movement as well as directly examining the breast. This is when hands-on work begins, assessing scars mobility, adhesions, contraction, upper body movement, swelling and more.

  4. Treatment – improving movement in the upper body and in the breast, reducing swelling, minimising pain and pull around scars.

  5. Management – take home advice and further discussion about a management plan for future treatments

What can Rea help treat?

  • Post-lumpectomy/wide excision and post-mastectomy pain

  • Cording and armpit stiffness

  • Capsular contraction

  • Shoulder pain and arm movement restriction

  • Mobility around scars

  • Fibrosis, seroma, and induration management

  • Oedema and lymphoedema management

Do you have one of the above complaints?

Book an Appointment with Rea today to improve your breast care and recovery

Read more about Rea and Osteopathy.