Rhiannon Drysdale

Massage Therapist


Rhiannon obtained her diploma in remedial massage from CIT, driven by a deep curiosity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the human body. Since then, she has consistently been astounded by the remarkable benefits of massage therapy and loves to share this knowledge with her clients.

With a diverse range of massage techniques at her disposal, including sports massage, trigger point therapy, PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation), cupping, and MFR (Myofascial Release), Rhiannon will tailor each massage to increase range of motion, reduce pain, and improve overall relaxation and rejuvenation.

Rhiannon loves to treat all people including:

Pre and Post Natal Clients

Sports enthusiast and runners

Desk workers and people who commonly suffer with upper back and shoulder pain

Headaches and neck pain

Those in need of relaxation and rest

Pelvic pain patients

Outside of her professional pursuits, Rhiannon is passionate about movement and has been an avid pole dancer and instructor for many years. Rhiannon finds solace in nature, enjoying activities like waterfall exploration, swimming in rivers (during warmer seasons), and relishing the company of loved ones over delightful meals accompanied by fine wine.