Tamsyn Preston

Registered Osteopath

amsyn, Osteopath, standing straight on smiling at the camera. She is wearing a black shirt, and has gold long earrings on

Tamsyn graduated with a Masters in Osteopathy in 2005. She has a particular interest in neck and shoulder pain, as well as persistent lower back pain.

Tamsyn has an ethical and compassionate approach to each individual. She takes the time to listen during the full history, assesses the problem, how it’s impacting your quality of life and discusses treatment options and goals.

 She enjoys using a variety of hands-on treatment approaches, combining some stronger soft tissue or joint mobility work, as well as some more gentle, unwinding techniques, tailoring this to suit you and your needs. She will often give you some tools to take with you in supporting your goals, building autonomy and allowing you to move with more ease and freedom.

Tamsyn offers one on one yoga sessions as part of her practice. Tamsyn is a 350-hour Hatha-yoga trained teacher. Initially drawn to teaching yoga as a form of rehab for her clients, she soon sound found that yoga offered so much more. The most exciting part being that ancient yogic concepts and practices have been validated with evidence-based approaches in the management of chronic pain and neuro-modulation. i.e. calming down the nervous system. She uses this blending of ‘yoga meets science’ when working with people in chronic pain.

Outside of work Tamsyn enjoys bushwalking and eating dark chocolate.