How Well do You Know Yourself? The How and Why of Vulva Self-Examination.

Vulva self-examination is an essential aspect of self-care that promotes health, body awareness, and empowerment.

Why is vulva self-examination important, how can you do it, and why should you be more familiar with this hidden part of your body?

What is the Vulva?

The vulva refers to the external parts of the female reproductive system and includes:

1. Mons Pubis: This is the fatty tissue located above the pubic bone. It acts as a cushion to protect underlying structures.

2. Labia Majora: These are the outer "lips". They contain sweat and oil glands and provide a protective barrier to the inner structures.

3. Labia Minora: Inside the labia majora, the labia minora are two smaller folds of skin that surround the clitoral area and vaginal opening. They are rich in blood vessels.

4. Clitoris and Clitoral Hood: the clitoris is a highly sensitive and erogenous organ. It contains thousands of nerve endings and plays a key role in sexual arousal and pleasure. The clitoral hood is a fold of skin that protects the clitoris.

5. Urethral Opening: Between the clitoris and the vaginal opening, this is where urine leaves the body.

6. Vaginal Opening: The entrance to the vagina, leading to the cervix and uterus. It expands during sexual arousal and childbirth.

7. Perineum: The area between the vaginal opening and the anus, which can stretch during childbirth.

Why Vulva Self-Examination Matters

1. Early Detection of Changes: Becoming familiar with your vulva's appearance and texture enables you to identify any unusual changes promptly. Early detection of abnormalities can lead to early intervention and improved outcomes.

2. Increased Body Awareness: Self-examination encourages a deeper understanding of your body. This awareness promotes body positivity, self-confidence, and a healthy relationship with your own anatomy.

3. Empowerment and Autonomy: Taking control of your health and wellness fosters a sense of empowerment and autonomy. Knowledge helps you make informed decisions about your body.


How to Examine Your Vulva

  • Choose a Private Setting, a quiet space where you feel relaxed, warm, and unhurried.

  • Wash Your Hands thoroughly with soap and water.

  • Use a Handheld Mirror to make it easier to see.

  • Find a Comfortable Position that allows a clear view. You could try lying on your back, head supported, knees bent and feet and knees apart, or standing, with one foot on a chair.

  • Observe the External Area and notice the colour, texture, and overall appearance of the labia, clitoral hood, and perineum.  You may need to gently part the labia to see all parts of the vulva.

  • Gently Explore using your fingers, to feel for lumps, bumps, changes in texture or increased tenderness.

  • Notice Any Changes such as redness, swelling, pain, itching, or unusual growths and make a note of them.

  • Book a Check-Up with your GP or other health care professional if you're concerned about any changes.

Make it Part of your Routine by performing vulva self-examination once a month.  This will help you stay attuned to your body's normal state and quickly notice any deviations.

For more useful information about this and other women’s health topics come into Fundamental Health during Women’s Health Week and chose from the variety of resources including, “The Vulva- irritation, diagnosis and treatment” booklet.

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